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Yan Orchard Food|2019 semi-annual business analysis meeting ended successfully


On July 25, 2019, Tianshan Shengguo Agriculture Co., Ltd. held a 2019 semi-annual business analysis meeting in the office of Turpan, Xinjiang. General Manager Lin Bo, Director of Ganguo Shangchao Business Department Xia Ming, Base Director Hu Jun, Director of Special Business Division Wang Xun and leaders of various departments attended the meeting.

Meeting Venue

First of all, the dried fruit business super-business department and the regional leaders gave a summary report on the completion of the task indicators in the first half of the jurisdiction, shared the success and failure cases in their respective regions, analyzed the highlights and shortcomings in the work, and proposed Improved methods and measures. At the same time, the responsible persons of various regions made key plans for the work in the second half of the year.Secondly, Wang Xun, director of the special business department, analyzed the operation situation in the first half of the year and reviewed the main work in the first half of the year from different aspects. He stressed that in the following days, we should actively explore new models and seek innovative development. Focus on implementation, strive to find new partners, fully meet budget targets, and deploy key tasks in the second half of the year.


Once again, Director Hu Jun summarized and reported the production and delivery and base planting in the first half of 2019. He pointed out that as the market demand for raw materials quality increases, the cost of production and planting continues to increase. Do a good job in all aspects of production and management, strive to improve the competitive advantage of raw materials with low cost and high quality, and fully cooperate with all sales channels to achieve the set sales targets for the whole year.

At the meeting, General Manager Lin Bo pointed out in his concluding remarks that with the rapid development of the company, innovation and breakthrough are the new way out. Therefore, in the second half of 2019, the company’s work focus should continue to focus on the target and increase innovation. Constantly seek new breakthrough points, strictly do all kinds of management work, and at the same time advocate "everyone is a salesman" and strive to achieve the goal of the year.

After the meeting, under the leadership of the base director Hu Jun, all the participants came to the company's base in Turpan. Everyone expressed their sincere admiration for the products operated at the Tulu planting base. The company is committed to ensuring the source of the products, adhering to the "from the base." The business philosophy of “to the table”, choose to start from the source, to ensure the safety and quality of each step of the product, only to give consumers a peace of mind.

Visit the camphor grape planting base

At the end of the visit, all members went to the hotel to have dinner together, and the various departments exchanged and communicated with each other and took photos with them. After this meeting, everyone's work goals for the second half of the year will be clearer and more motivating for future development.

Group photo

On the morning of July 28th, the important leaders of Yonghui Supermarket visited our factory for a visit. The two sides conducted in-depth exchanges on strategic cooperation at the supermarket business level. The field visit of the Turpan factory made Yonghui once again witness the strength of Tianshan Shengguo. In the future, we will continue to provide the source products and services of the base, accelerate the development of the food industry, and reach a deeper level of business cooperation with Yonghui.

Yonghui visited the factory

With the continuous advancement of the “Healthy China” strategy, people's awareness of health has gone further. Under such broad development prospects, what we can do is to provide consumers with quality products and services to help people establish health. Life concept. Next, the company will use the source products of the base and utilize various channels such as online and offline to further develop the resource advantages and seek better development.